16 Nov

We are a part of the Big Picture... Everything that is Conscious, is a part of this grand experiment we call The One. 

The One, is the master consciousness that made the choice to materialize into unlimited form. When we see the Hawk fly over or a starlit sky, we are seeing God/Source/The One in action. 

Each and every soul in this universe is a piece of that grand consciousness, experiencing life. That grand consciousness chose to split itself, and allowed those pieces to have freewill. This Gift was given to allow us to experience and Learn. Each soul then starts living Lives, to better understand where it came from. Each Life lesson learned, moves us closer to the purification / Ascension, eventually merging us back to Source from which we came. As we evolve our spirit through many life times, we remember the truth of where we came from. 

 This truth which comes from inner knowing, gets scrambled when the mind is full of beliefs and religion. These programs were designed to make you believe you are unworthy to receive full Light. They were created to keep you Blind of your truth. To receive Full light one must, wipe the slate clean, forget everything you have been taught, and open your heart to truth. Ask The One, to Bring you Truth in all aspects of your life. Everything will begin to become Crystal Clear. What this will do is show you everyone, and everything, that has been a lie in your life. The masks begin to fall away. Understand when doing this it will change your life. But, this is a true change for the good. Allow yourself to flow and let go of all things that no longer serve you, for your highest light. Understand that it all is in Divine Will of the One. When we choose to know Truth, it will be shown to us. It's up to us to actually SEE it.

Once your heart is Open to the Knowing of The One, You begin to see the Big Picture, you realize that your Thoughts, Words and Actions, are creating your world around you. You are at the Controls of your own Life. This is where purification of the mind is important. Our thoughts are reflecting out to the universe in every moment. If you are having any negative thoughts about anything, it will effect your personal worlds. The question is... How can we stop these Thoughts? Well it really is simple... But you have to be consistent. We really must watch what we are thinking about. If you find yourself thinking negative about someone, Change the Thought. Most thoughts that are negative are Judgment. Stop and look to see if you are in judgment of another. If you are, change that thought to something positive and caring for that individual. Force your mind to Change. This is something that you must do on your own. Purification or Ascension only happens with Pure Mind, Body, and Spirit. 

 The Big Picture just Keeps getting Bigger and More Magnificent. 

As more awaken to truth of This Grand Experiment, We of the Light, are becoming much stronger. The Collective Power to Create, is manifesting almost instantly. With More of Humanity, focusing on Peace not war, this will be our outcome. With more Focusing on Love for your Neighbor, Unity as well will be our future. Those who focus their energy on Fear and Hate will have that outcome, in their personal lives. How do you want to create your world? Think about it.

In Total Service to The One that is All things.

Michellea and David 

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