Newly found sunken continents suggests the mythical continent of Lemuria was real
  •  03/03/2018 08:23 PM

Scientists have discovered at least TWO sunken continents on Earth. The discovery of these continents has changed the way we look at Earth’s history, offering new evidence which many authors have interpreted as material which points to the fact that the mythical continents such as Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis were real.

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Spiritual Discovery through Ancient Texts of the Hindu Tradition (Research and Study )"E-Book and Links"
  •  01/26/2018 04:40 PM

Spiritual Discovery through Ancient Texts of the Hindu Tradition. There are many references to Spiritual discovery in the ancient Sacred Texts of the Hindu tradition.

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The Conductor's Of Light, True Twinflame
  •  01/20/2018 04:29 PM

Within this movement into the light, we have heard over and over again about a concept known as the twinflame. But what does it mean? David, and I Chellea, have known each other our entire lives. This is not an exaggeration, We where born at the same hospital, only 5 Months apart in 1965. Our relationship grew to a point at the age of 17, we knew we loved each other. But our lives in that moment, would not allow us to be together. There was many obstacles to overcome before we could ever be together. This is Normal for twinflames. Our physical relationship did not began until 2007. We always remembered the true love that couldn't be hidden by time. But this is where it truly began.

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The Nag Hammadi Library (Gnostic Scriptures)
  •  01/15/2018 05:40 PM

A Deeper Look in to Early Christianity Through Ancient Gnostic Scriptures: A This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures - texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" - scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.

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The Egyptian “Book of the Dead” *A Guide, To the After-Life* (Videos, E-books and Links)
  •  12/30/2017 04:54 PM

The path to the afterlife as laid out in the Book of the Dead was a difficult one. The deceased was required to pass a series of gates, caverns and mounds guarded by supernatural creatures. These creatures had to be pacified by reciting the appropriate spells included in the Book of the Dead

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The Sacred Bloodline and the Holy Grail - (Videos, e-books, and Links)
  •  12/24/2017 01:16 PM

Throughout our history as we know it, The knowledge of a relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus has been suppressed greatly. Even Going as far to call Mary Magdalene a Whore. Is she The Holy Grail that Held the "Seed" of the Christ? Does that bloodline still exist today?

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Re-discovering Atlantis ~ Ancient to Modern Texts containing Information of Atlantis
  •  12/11/2017 05:06 PM

Plato: " I have before remarked in speaking of the allotments of the gods, that they distributed the whole earth into portions differing in extent, and made for themselves temples and instituted sacrifices. And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the island."

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The Dead Sea Scrolls~The Hidden Truth "Video's, links & e-books"
  •  12/04/2017 01:43 PM

The truth remains that many of the scrolls are kept hidden to this day. According to the highest authorities in charge, they will never see the light of day. These “self appointed” individuals do not wish the world to know the whole truth regarding the messages contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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The Gnostics (The Knowledge) ~ (4 Part Video)
  •  11/28/2017 07:51 PM

"In 1945 an Egyptian peasant discovered a collection of early Christian scriptures - the Nag Hammadi Codices, which revealed the existence of a Gnostic version of Christianity. Gnostics (derived from the Greek word gnosis - meaning `knowledge') felt that they could get to know God, and their own soul, going a step beyond faith. Their message, and the words of the `Gnostic Gospels' were buried in the sand of the Egyptian desert. Some scholars now believe these scriptures to be just as authentic, if not more so, than the books we collectively know as the New Testament."

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The Law of One ~ (Full collection~ Books 1-5)
  •  11/19/2017 02:15 PM

This book is an exact transcript from tape recordings of twenty six sessions of an experiment designed to communicate with an extraterrestrial being.

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The Lost Books of the Bible
  •  11/18/2017 01:31 PM

This is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young Jesus, particularly the Gospel of Mary and the Protevangelion, which provides additional folklore about the birth and youthful adventures of Jesus.

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The Prophecies of Nostradamus
  •  11/18/2017 11:29 AM

Nostradamus had the visions which he later recorded in verse while staring into water or flame late at night, sometimes aided by herbal stimulants, while sitting on a brass tripod.

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