20 Jan

Within this movement into the light, we have heard over and over again about a concept known as the twinflame. But what does it mean?

 David, and I Chellea, have known each other our entire lives. This is not an exaggeration, We where born at the same hospital, only 5 Months apart in 1965. Our relationship grew to a point at the age of 17, we knew we loved each other. But our lives in that moment, would not allow us to be together. There was many obstacles to overcome before we could ever be together. This is Normal for twinflames. Our physical relationship did not began until 2007. We always remembered the true love that couldn't be hidden by time. But this is where it truly began. 

 By 2012 we knew we were what channel’s had referred to as a twinflame,  it was given to me in a vision, of a beautiful medieval type of story. At that time I didn't know what the vision was or what it meant. But it was such a beautiful vision that I began writing it down. With several month's of having this same vision in story form, By the end of 2012, I had 36 chapter's of a book finished.

 But then things began to happen in our life that changed everything. The Vision began coming true.

  This frightened me at first because there was a lot of things in that vision, that I did not want to happen. But at the same time, it's was the most magical thing I had ever experienced.  The vision continues to materialize in our lives daily, and it is truly amazing.  

Our lives has changed forever, we began our journey with nothing but a tent, a car, a few clothes, and the pure intention to find truth.

 Since then our journey has been an uphill climb. It has not been easy. And it's not supposed to be. We found out very quickly that it is a spiritual journey and we both must be spiritually active, or this twinflame relationship will not work. The balance of this relationship depends on this spiritual awareness. We are departing the physical aspects of a relationship and transcending into pure unconditional love. 

 The lessons of a Twinflame, is boulders, compared to the sand of the easier journey of self. There can be No Self, in a twinflame relationship. The point of joining in this time, is to become united in spirit, referred to as the Sacred Union. We are reconnecting to our other half. We are 2 parts of the same soul, and now is the time for those 2 pieces to come together and act as conductor's of the Light. We are Bringing in full source energy.

 We also found out very soon that, any Lower vibration emotions such as Jealousy or Control would not work. There can be no Jealousy, Both of us had to stay focused in the heart. To Master this one must understand the difference between Love and Desire. Desire is of the Physical and is Not spiritual. It is a  much lower vibration than love. Love is of the Soul, and is the pure essence of Light. When we understand the difference we see that desire of the physical form is not why we are here. We understood that we must truly make the spiritual commitment, to release the physical desire, and never stray from one another, our desire is held for only each other. There truly can be no other, because Desire is replaced with Unconditional Love. We literally see each other in a different light, We see True Love.

 When either of us, would slip into the physical aspect of our lives, and get out of focus, we would instantly get thrown into a chaotic spiral of negative events, happening within our lives. Instant Karma. This is why it is Boulder's compared to sand. You are not just you. 

 Many twinflame have split up because of living for the self, in this relationship. You must learn to live for Humanity and this Earth. This is not an over statement. This is Truth. It's so much bigger than you or your partner, This is Our Mission. This is why we chose to come to this earth at this moment. You are here for the All, the One. If both of you are not being love, for each other and others, your relationship as twinflames, will not work. Total Focus of your mission here is important. 

 You must understand your connection with your twin. You and your twin have the same higher-self / god-self. So when connecting with higher-self, you are also connecting with your twin. By bettering your source connection, and doing your spiritual cleansing, you are purifying the connection with your twin. So even if your Twin is not in your physical life, you are totally connected, through pure Source Light / Unconditional Love. 

 Each have their own journey in this life, and the Twinflame Journey is a hard one, with many different lessons to learn, different from the journey of Self. It's a Journey to Total Awareness of Unconditional Love, which is Pure Source Light, and a Journey to the Knowing Of The All which we are.

We have traveled this journey over many Boulder's, and will continue to be the Conductor's of Light. We will never turn away from the light, “Knowing” our Mission. We are here for all of you and this Planet. We Love you Unconditionally.

Much Love to all and Many Blessings...

Editor's of Universal Lighthouse

David and Chellea (True Twinflame)



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