04 Dec

The Rockefeller Foundation, who lays claim to the Dead Sea Scrolls, literally fought over what should be included in the limited releases and what should not. The truth remains that many of the scrolls are kept hidden to this day. According to the highest authorities in charge, they will never see the light of day. These “self appointed” individuals do not wish the world to know the whole truth regarding the messages contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Perhaps there is far too much verification contained in the Scrolls directly attesting to the God who came to Earth clothed in human flesh. Far too much evidence regarding the Divinity of Jesus Christ which would finally overturn the applecart of religion and its practices would be exposed.
This is very sad. There are those in the religious hierarchy in that part of the world who simply refuse to share with lay people as well as learned men and women (scholars) many of the truths contained within the folds of the Dead Sea Scrolls. I firmly believe that in the due season, the entire truth will be revealed. Those who have both confiscated and hidden the truth will be utterly dismayed. Truth has a habit of surfacing, if not through conventional means then perhaps through your efforts and determination to bring all truth to light. It is highly essential that the entire truth be known regarding the Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Video below gives some detail of the the actual manuscripts, and Reveals some of the Messages of Jesus.

Read The Dead Sea Scrolls online

The Great Isaiah Scroll

The War Scroll

The Commentary on Habakkuk Scroll

The Temple Scroll

The Community Rule

Links of Interest

25 Facts about The Dead Sea Scrolls

New Dead Sea Scroll Cave Discovered ` CNN


The Dead Sea Scrolls ~The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship

The Dead Sea Scrolls [Complete English Translation].pdf 

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered

Open Scrolls Project


The Truth Behind The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls Secrets That You Were Never Meant to See

Messages From the Dead Sea Scrolls


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